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why won't my wireless charger charge my iphone 12


iPhone 12 wireless charging not working?

Apple's iPhone 12 series and Wireless Charging Pad promise to solve many of the problems people have with wireless chargers. Wireless charging is a big selling point of the iPhone 12, but not everyone wants to upgrade their phone just for a hassle-free charging experience.
A common problem you may face is that your wireless charger won't charge your iPhone at all. You put your iPhone down and come back an hour later to find your iPhone is dead, not charged.
Fix iPhone 12 Wireless Charging Not Working
If wireless charging isn't working properly on your iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, or iPhone 12 Pro Max, read on and try these few fixes to see if they can get you back in a strong position.
Avoid rushing
Do you give your charger plenty of time to charge your iPhone? Or pick up your iPhone after 15 minutes because you're used to fast charging? Be patient and avoid rushing.
Most wireless chargers offer 7.5 or 10 watts at the high end, well below the 12 or even 20 watts offered by most plug-in chargers.
Since the wireless charger provides less power, it takes longer to charge your iPhone.
Take off your phone case
Are you using a case on your iPhone when you try to charge it? If so, consider removing it.
Make sure your iPhone is properly aligned
Most people put their iPhone on a wireless charger and walk away, assuming their device is charging. What they don't realize is that wireless charging relies on the proper alignment of the iPhone on the tablet. To make a contact that transmits energy to the iPhone, the iPhone's internal induction coil must be properly aligned with the induction coil in the wireless charging pad. If the device is tilted slightly to one side, the induction coils won't line up and the iPhone won't charge wirelessly.
This is deceiving because you think the iPhone is charging when it isn't. You must place the iPhone on the charger pad and wiggle it until it is properly aligned. You'll know because the charging light on your iPhone will turn on. Once your iPhone is properly aligned, do not move it as you may lose the connection and your iPhone will not be able to charge wirelessly.
Make sure your wireless charger is powerful enough
When buying a wireless charging unit, make sure it's powerful enough to charge your iPhone. Low-power wireless charging pads may not generate enough energy to charge your iPhone. If the voltage and current are not enough, your iPhone may charge very, very slowly, or not charge at all. When this happens, your iPhone may start charging, but it will quickly stop charging when the power delivery can't keep up with the phone's needs.


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